Does Hard Work Really Lead to Performance Punishment?


🔍 Dive into the controversial concept of “performance punishment” in organizations. Working hard can be seen as punishment because initially, high performers might get more challenging tasks due to their abilities. This extra workload can feel unfair and overwhelming – leading to the perception that hard work is punished. 🌟 Discover why exceptional performance shouldn’t…

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Feeling Pushed Out of Your Job? What You NEED to Know About Constructive Discharge


Are you facing a terrible work environment that’s making you consider quitting? You might be experiencing constructive discharge! This episode dives deep into this legal concept, explaining what it is, how it can happen through harassment, discrimination, or unreasonable working conditions, and why it’s important for both employers and employees to understand. We’ll also explore…

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Demotion: When It Hurts and When It Works


Feeling stuck with a struggling employee? Should you demote your employee? Don’t jump to demotions! Demotions: a tempting solution, but a legal nightmare? Discover a better approach to employee performance issues that boosts morale & keeps your top talent. Shield your business! Subscribe to the People Processes Podcast for more expert advice on leading your…

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How to choose: Employee, Independent Contractor, or Both?


🕵️‍♂️ Can you be both an employee and an independent contractor at the same time? Dive deep into the legal and financial intricacies of dual employment statuses, including crucial DOL and IRS factors, through real-world examples and expert analysis. Whether you’re evaluating secondary roles within your current employment or considering hiring employees for independent tasks,…

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